based on the
identified processes, the responsibility for meeting the process
criteria and the related activities is clearly defined
documents set a requirement for continuous improvement, which puts
pressure on employees to demonstrate improvement activities (economic
and moral benefits)
the obligation to maintain the
documentation in the current state, to prevent possible
non-conformities in repeated production, information on the current
legislative requirements (prevention of sanctions by the supervisory
minimizing losses in product realization when
internal non-compliance is found (the non-matching product will not
reach the customer), respectively. solutions to complaints that imply
economic losses, respectively. loss of good name
of disagreements in the administrative and implementation part of the
organization, respectively. immediate action to remove the findings
methods, procedures for collection and analysis of data, tools for improvement
planned and unplanned controls of individual processes, activities, including the resulting detection procedures
you have fulfilled one of the requirements for public procurement
advantage in drawing money from euro-funds, banks
Getting a World Stewardship Certificate, Improving Your Image